How Long Does Heroin Stay in Your System?

If you use or have used heroin in the past and need to take a drug test—be it for medical, work-related, or legal reasons—you’re probably wondering, “How long does heroin stay in your system?” The answer to this question is more complex than you may expect. After all, everybody processes substances differently, and various factors […]

How long does Fentanyl stay in your system?

Effects of fentanyl use, a treatment for severe pain – fentanyl addictions, fentanyl patches, and fentanyl overdose Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid analgesic, dispensed via prescription to treat moderate-to-chronic pain and prevent breakthrough pain. The most common methods of administration include a prescription opioid in powder form (as a tablet) and a transdermal patch. Fentanyl […]

How long does Codeine stay in your system?

Effects of codeine and codeine cough syrup (purple drank) Codeine is an opiate made from the same poppy plant as morphine and is used to treat mild to moderate pain. In addition to relief of pain, a user may experience euphoric effects resulting in risk for abuse. The drug is a prescription medication commonly dispensed […]

How Long Does Tramadol Stay in Your System?

Whether you’re required to do a drug screening at work or want to resume an opioid-free life, chances are you’ve asked yourself, “How long does tramadol stay in your system after you take it?” The truth is that many factors determine how long tramadol stays in your system and how long it is detectable in […]

How Long Does Percocet Stay in Your System?

Effects of Percocet – a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen for pain relief Percocet is the brand name of a drug that contains the over-the-counter medication acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol) and the opioid painkiller oxycodone. It is a prescription medication dispensed to treat moderate-to-severe pain or even chronic pain. Percocet can remain active […]