ANR Testimonials

ANR Testimonials – Patient’s point of view
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ANR is truly amazing! The people there really care about the patient and their family and do their best to get you through this difficult ordeal. I can\’t thank them enough for everything they did for us!

I heard about ANR when Dr Waismann performed it in Israel (I am from Israel), but at the time i didnt felt that my addiction required any treatment i thought it will be easy to stop. I had a back surgeon back in 2016 and of-course i got stuck with percocets, over the time i couldn\’t stop taking them. my life became a roller coaster and i always thought about how to get more so i can feel healthy, just like anybody else around me. I decided to come to the US and get the treatment. Dr Kabamba and Dr. Waismann finally saw me as a person with a problem, medical one, instead of a “junkie” or “addicted” guy who has problem of addiction. So i stayed in Naples (Beautiful place!) for 6 days so i can recover a little bit after and flew back to Israel. I landed in Israel yesterday. I am overwhelmed!!!! I never felt happier! i can feel anything. i am alive, my wife looking at me and from her eyes i know that i am somebody else, somebody healthy. It’s simply amazing. to the ANR staff – thank you again.

Thank you, ANR! I am in Naples now, 3 days after the treatment. I feel so good, so aware! I am connected to my wife, my children… I really feel their emotions and mine too. I know what opiates do – but now after the procedure – I don’t crave them. I don’t need them. I don’t think about them. I hate them. I am free from them. That’s over. I promise ill spread the message to many. Thank you again.

ANR Team! It is beyond words what your work has done!! It meant LIFE OR DEATH FOR MY SON!!!

My husband and I decided to go into the ANR treatment last year and were not sure what our options were at the time. We called a couple local rehabs but were afraid to detox cold turkey. I found ANR Clinic on Google and at first we did not want to fly out of state but Kristi was really nice and was able to answer questions I had about the treatment. We both feel amazing its been few months since treatment and our lives have been changed forever. I cant thank the staff at the clinic enough for their help. I really can’t !

My son had been an opioid addict for the past three years. After countless rehabs and attempts to detox at home, we found the ANR Clinic and it truly changed his life. The care and support from the staff at ANR Clinic were beyond anything we could have imagined. They were understanding and helpful in answering all of our questions! My son is now going on 2 months free from opioids, and we are forever grateful for the wonderful staff at ANR Clinic! I encourage anyone struggling with addiction to contact ANR Clinic right away; it will be a life-changing decision! My son is finally back to normal and no longer craves opioids. It is no exaggeration, but I credit them for giving me my son back.

Our son, Joseph, went through the ANR procedure. The results have been profound! He has been through 10 years of severe opiate dependency. We spent countless dollars and went to numerous rehabilitation facilities, NA meetings, and much more. He has been at death’s door numerous times. NOTHING WORKED! I found out about Dr.Waismann and ANR by searching the internet. After reading all of the material on the website, I had no doubt that this doctor had the cure for this dreadful disease using modern medicine. ANR has been a completely life-changing experience for our son! He no longer has any cravings at all for opiates. He also does not experience the secondary effects of opiate dependency, such as mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Joseph has said that he does not even remember what an opiate felt like. He is now living a normal and completely drug-free life. ANR is the cure for opiate dependency using modern medicine! Sixty years of trying to treat a central nervous system disorder using outdated methods such as rehabilitation centers, NA meetings, and medication-assisted treatment is not effective for curing an opiate dependency. Only using modern medicine that has addressed the biological roots of this disease can truly cure opiate-dependent people. Again, this is modern medicine! The entire staff at ANR is professional and has a deep concern for people dependent on opiates. They are NOT about making money. They are about curing suffering people! If ANR was available in every state of the US, we could eliminate the opioid epidemic. Our family cannot recommend ANR highly enough!

Looking back, I feel ANR was a lifesaver, and all that’s changed in my life is its nature of it. I am free! I feel like myself, and at the same time, I never want to use it again. I feel optimistic and feel like I have the strength to move forward. I lack the desire to use NOTHING. I am stable and happy and comfortable with my life. I have not been able to find many health professionals that I click with except ANR. Many of the rehabs I looked at were unfit or too uncomfortable to detox cold turkey and offer little support. So I feel obliged to help others know there is a way to end the addiction. I enjoy being alive again and thoughts of what the future hold feel soothing. I can see my children again and I could never thank ANR enough.

ANR was the best decision I’ve ever made! I finally feel like I’m living again.

Let\’s just start off by saying I never expected to be addicted to drugs but somehow the universe has led me to the events I\’m about to try and explain. The crazy part is, growing up, I was a devoted Christian. My Grandfather was a pastor and knew the Bible inside and out. In my teenage years, I defied my religious beginnings, and it all started after I was introduced to marijuana. After a couple of years in my teenage years of smoking marijuana, my roommates and I decided to try Percocet. After Percocet I got into heroin but my first few times of doing dope, I was young and naive. The drugs I got were often counterfeit (Research Chemicals) Possibly Fentanyl which is not what the average opioid addict would want to take. I made the mistake of doing it with someone who waited to tell me they mixed cocaine in the heroin when I had already taken my dose. At that moment, I realized I had made a mistake. To cut it short, I overdosed and had to be near canned by EMS, and woke up with this miserable feeling of death and the withdrawal getting worse by the second. I was later given Suboxone medication (“it’s safer”) which wreaked havoc on my everyday life at first, constantly in withdrawal as the doctors were lowering my dose to “taper off”. I was almost ready to kill myself at 31 years of age. A few months ago, I was looking up ways to get clean when I came across the ANR website. Anyways the next day I decided to call the office to learn more, and that was the first time I began to understand opioid addiction. During my intake, the doctor explained how the dependency can be reversed. It felt as if it were too good to be true, but at this point I had nothing to lose, having tried traditional rehabs before. 7 days later I was in Naples, ready for my treatment. So now on to the Treatment. As soon as I arrived at the hospital this incredible feeling of hope rushed over me that this was actually going to happen; I could not believe was about to end my decade-long opioid addiction. The doctor loaded up his equipment and assured me everything was going to be okay, and that was the last thing I remember. I woke up the following morning feeling incredibly weak and had zero energy. No withdrawals. The doctor said that this was normal from the effects of the medications in the treatment and explained what I had to do to restart my endorphin system, to begin recovery. At this point it felt as if all the life had been sucked out of me and I forgot what it felt like to have strength. I get discharged later and everything starts to become more vivid and clear. I requested a week off from work for this treatment, knowing that I would not just magically wake up normally (At this point I did not even know how to walk). My friends were extremely supportive in the process and I was able to hit the gym by my third day and finally move on with my life without drugs. This is where you could say \”it actually worked\”; it felt as if my disease had been sucked out of my body and as I began to get stronger every day. For once, I had hope knowing I would feel normal again. I cannot remember all the details as the recovery experience took a while, but eventually one day after about a few weeks, it hit me that I just felt perfectly normal. I remember several weeks ago feeling trapped in a cycle of using opiates, getting clean, and relapsing. My life was one horrifying event to another with lots of severe problems arising from the addition. I remember waking up one day and finally being able to enjoy the day, feeling as if the beautiful sunlight was looking down on me and feeling good without drugs. This was all four months ago and I feel as if my life has been changed forever. God bless ANR!!

ANR was a lifesaver. After back surgery, I was on pain pills for five years and then switched to suboxone for the past 12 years. I could not get off the suboxone on my own, I tried several times. After the procedure, I had no cravings for suboxone at all. I feel like a new person. Kristi & Robert were great in explaining the whole procedure to me and were very helpful in getting the process started. Dr. Waismann, Dr Kabemba, Kristi, Robert, Carlos, and the whole nursing team were truly angels and lifesavers. They truly care about the people they are treating and do everything in their power to make this a comfortable and successful procedure. Robert has also been great in providing aftercare support. I would highly recommend ANR to anyone who is suffering from opiate addiction.

I got treated last weekend. WOW. Just wow. Thank you, ANR.

Dr. I cannot say thank you enough for giving me my life back. My wife says I’m a much more emotional man now and she loves it. I have a stockpile of close to 500 Suboxone pills here that I’m taking in the Walgreens today to drop in their pill dispensary wiping my hands clean turning around and walking away. After 13 years of Suboxone I’m living proof that it works and works well without any withdrawal symptoms.

After getting this treatment and being amazed at how good I am doing – I have committed myself to spreading the word about this. Dr. Waismann, a well-respected physician from Israel, and a brilliant individual pioneered what we know as \”rapid detox\” many years ago. Until today, some centers are still doing his old treatment, using his name without permission to gain more profits. I salute you, sir, for keeping on fighting for us – the patients. I am so happy your treatment is now in the USA, and undoubtedly, it will only get bigger and bigger. I am excited. For the people who are struggling – there is a solution out there. Right now, it\’s expensive – But soon enough, the insurance companies will have to cover it. Good luck, ANR, and thank you again!

You can absolutely trust ANR Clinic to provide the highest level of care and kindness your loved one deserves. The staff is highly trained addiction professionals that truly care about helping people. My experience with ANR Clinic was amazing from the first phone call when I reached out to them (Kristi is amazing!!) all the way until the end of being discharged from the hospital. The entire team is honest, straightforward, and, most importantly, experts on opioid addiction. I would refer anyone struggling with opiate addiction to this facility. They are genuine and keep the best interests of their patients as a top priority.

I cannot believe how great I felt one month after treatment. Each day I wake up feeling better, with more energy and a positive outlook. I have not had any cravings, which I cannot believe since every time I detox on my own, I always relapse. Now my life has a purpose and a mission, instead of using Kratom daily and fighting off the withdrawals. I really want you to know that you have changed my life, and for that, I am forever grateful.

ANR – is the real deal IF you know what you are getting into. It requires you wanting to be healthy. If you want a \”quick fix\” or to bring your son thereby forced –even the doctors will tell you beforehand if the patient is not serious do not come here; they will not treat him. On the other hand, if you like the idea of coming off opiates painlessly, very fast, and want to get off them forever, you are about to embark on an adventure! So if you\’re still reading you are in the second group. Here\’s the basic overview: THE GOOD – don’t remember anything going thru withdrawals period, amazing nursing staff, really the best that medicine has to offer. Since the treatment – ZERO cravings. It’s over. THE BAD – Expensive – you need to cover your stay there + flight tickets. So at the same time, you can get off the opiates pretty fast and not feel a thing, but it has its drawbacks, mainly cost, since insurance doesn’t cover it yet since its still too new to the USA. Wouldn\’t hurt to try to do the credit application, though. When it comes to getting off drugs, this is the best way. I am so happy I changed my life, and every day gets better. Thank you ANR!!!

Today marks my 14th day clean! 2-week mark, and I am feeling better each day. This treatment has helped me quit heroin in such a huge manner. This is the first time in years I have been able to get off the opiates and finally be free from cravings. After all the time spent sick, withdrawing and unable to function, I am finally free from this horrible illness. No more being sick all the time, and now I can actually accomplish my goals in life. I enjoy the sunsets! Good food! Music! Life. Thank you so much to everyone at ANR Clinic, I cannot thank you enough for giving me my life back.

I just wanted to share my experience with ANR Clinic for what it\’s worth. I know for many that going to rehab is a lifesaver but for me it was always a rough road. I had been to 5 different rehabs over the course of nearly a decade and would wind up terribly depressed and suffering through terrible withdrawals each time, only to end in relapse within a few months. With this treatment, I was able to come off the opiates virtually painlessly and its been nearly 8 months and I am still clean. For anyone struggling with addiction, this should be your first choice.

ANR is basically a miracle! I was on opioids after a car accident for many, many years. After the last two years on methadone, I lost hope of ever being drug-free and having a life. I was stuck in one place, unable to go forward in my career or even do a simple thing like traveling, cause of course I needed my daily visit to the clinic. Dr. Weismann and his team changed all that!!! It gave me my life back!!!! They are angels, I can\’t say thank you enough for all they did. I have been completely opioid-free now for several months, and I have Anr to thank for it.

I just wanted to share my experience with the ANR method since I know there are others out there feeling trapped in addiction, feeling like there is no way out. This is the best option, in my opinion, and trusts me, I have done it every other way possible. I am feeling great emotionally, like my original, genuine self, before I ever got on opiates. I can feel happiness again, and I know my body is back in balance thanks to this procedure.

The best part about the whole experience was I was actually able to overcome the dependency and not just take replacement medications. I first started on Suboxone two years ago. When I finally had enough of the suboxone, I tried to detox and attempt to grasp the whole thing without rehab. Eventually, I had enough of failing to detox on my own and found out about the ANR treatment. I think you have to be willing to go and change but I found this way was much easier to detox than cold turkey, which I have done before. This program works, and I am finally healed from this terrible sickness.

My very close friend just did Dr. Waismann’s treatment, and I really want to thank the team and especially Dr. Waismann that permitting my friend to finally got back her life after so many years of dependency! She is blessed to start a new life again! It’s like a rebirth! We are amazed to see how fast the recovery has been!

When I awoke the next morning, I smiled for the first time in a very long while. The craving the had controlled my life for 23 years was no longer there. I opened my eyes, and I had no compulsion to pick up the phone and call my dealer.

I first heard about Dr. Waismann many years ago on TV. Then I heard he opened the first US clinic in Florida. So, I met with him to see how he could help me. I was hooked on Methadone so bad that I literally felt it in my bones… Today I feel like the king of the world! I am free from my addiction, and I have 0 thoughts about it. Dr. Waismann, Dr. Kebamba, Olga, Yolanda… you guys are angels!

I just wanted to say thank you for eliminating this opiate addiction once and for all. I am finally free from opioids. I was on Subutex for over nine years, and it was ruining my life. After many doctor visits, monthly pharmacy trips, and a stint in rehab, this addiction has nearly cost me everything. With ANR Clinic, I was able to end the addiction that has haunted me for years, and I am now finally free from opioid dependency, with no more replacement drugs or therapy. A highly effective treatment that will finally eliminate opiate addiction. I would highly recommend ANR Clinic, and I give them a 5-star rating.

For twenty years of my life, I abused heroin and methadone. I have tried everything under the sun to conquer this evil addiction!!!! The doctors here were my healer and savior, saving my life by giving me back regulation and balance psychologically as well as cleaning out my entire body. When I awoke it was so amazing how all the pain in my body and energy came back like i was reborn again. I have no cravings and now I am living my life with a healthy vessel and a neurological balance. I can do anything!!!!MIRACLES do exist. After all I am living proof!

I want to tell you all how grateful I am for what you did for me. I was prescribed Suboxone, and I couldn’t stop. Thank you for treating this problem for once and for all. I am done with Suboxone, and I didn’t even imagine how easily it can be done. That’s just crazy. Thank you.

I heard about Doctor Waismann many years ago on Fox News. After hearing a radio interview with him that he is opening a clinic in the US, I had to meet him and see how he could help me. I lost connection with the outer life. Even with my two boys. Today I feel like I am the king of the world. I am free from dependency, and I have 0 thoughts about it.

I just wanted to give a huge thank you for setting me free. 15 years I have been using. 5 years on Pain pills and Fentanyl patches and 10 years on Suboxone. I could never had gotten off the Suboxone if it was not for ANR and Dr. Waismann. I was down the in Naples on Feb 22nd and Feb 23rd and from what Dr Said I was under for like 8 hours before my receptors were clean. So there is no way I could have ever done it on my own and I owe my life to ANR. I am doing great. Absolutely NO craving and ZERO desire to take any pills at all. So thank you again. My family and I are in a huge debt to ANR, Dr. Waismann and staff.

I started to take Heroin almost nine years ago. It changed everything I knew, it changed everything I was, I thought I was someone else, but after I met Dr. Waismann in his clinic, he showed me hope, that I am the SAME person, just with a medical illness. Unbalanced chemicals. I almost laughed because saying something like this its so outrageous. But he was right. After the treatment, I felt it. I saw everything around me again. My balance restored. I even forgot that I was a happy man. Thank you.

I know Dr. Andre Waismann personally. He saved my son Ronen life After severe trauma injury without much chance. But Dr. Waismann fought for my son’s life and miraculously succeeded to save him. From my acquaintance with his excellent professionalism as a medical trauma doctor, I can wholeheartedly recommend to every patient who needs the kind of critical care treatment that Dr. Waismann provides, to gain full confidence to trust Dr. Waismann, who is first a wonderful human being and then a devoted doctor, dedicated to his patients, with high values and extraordinary talent in medicine. As a father to a wounded beloved son I entrusted Dr. Waismann with the most precious of all, and God Bless, this doctor did not fail, together with my son they defeated death.

I am so well, I can live again and enjoy my family. I have an enormous joy in my heart! The people around me see a new person. My sleep has changed, I don’t have to sleep so much anymore and I am usually top fit early in the morning.

I am working and enjoying my life drug free. My children have now moved close to me and my life is finally moving forwards.

Thank you for freeing me physically, but also for touching my heart and enabling me to free myself from what I have been running from for many years.

ANR Treatment is the absolute TRUTH! The only way to fight opioid dependency. I’ve tried it all and nothing helped. I viewed myself as an addict for life until the day I met Dr. Waismann and his crew. And they really do fix you in 5 hours. Incredible!! You do go thru months worth of WD in that short of time. It’s like being hit by a truck, if you’re like me and used fentanyl heavily going into this. I was terrified. Held on to the fentanyl til the last second. But the moment I woke up I knew my struggles with opioids was 100% OVER. As nurse John would say “Faghettaboutittt” hahah. I’ll always remember John came to my hotel to check on me. I was half there half in a different realm. Someone commented on my scruff. I smiled and said “yeah I left it a lil scruffy.” John being John I’m sure saw the best opportunity and took it. He says “ hey! You’ve got a summer beard! Some er here some er there…” HAHAH it was the first time I truly laughed in over 4 years. Waismann is so majestic. A Godly man with only good intentions. And truly wise. He uploaded knowledge in me that I’ll never let go. And brought Yahweh back into my life. I’m forever indebted. Dr. Brandon is truly amazing too. Many phone calls with that sweet man many questions asked and concerns stifled with his even keel prose. Maria and Ashley and Mumbumba (sorry if I botched that, Dr.) and all of the night crew that took such good care of me. THANK YOU SO MUCH. You’ve given my wife her best friend back. My Baby her daddy back. And John … as you can see I’m still working on that summer beard 😋 I truly love you all. Kind kind people. The best people. Doing Gods work over there in Florida. Listen. My mouth used to water for fentanyl… literally! Now. My mouth waters for fruit, veggies, fresh meat. Good food. I don’t even crave sugar anymore!! You are guaranteed to come out of this able to feel joy for the first time since the first time you gave opioids the control of such an important aspect in life. Take back control. Don’t hesitate. It’s well worth the money. I’m so on fire for life I promise you I will save lives with my story. 💛

I have been trying to make my closer and wider environments understand – trying to find clear-headed, sensible people – that if law and society are incapable to save our sons and daughters from the drug they should at least cure them… you are fighting whole-heartedly for the cause.

It is a medical miracle! The team is amazing, and they know perfectly what they are doing! Every prediction was correct, and we knew everything about the process. These guys are ANGELS FROM HEAVEN!!! Thank you and may God help you save many lives from now on!

I perfectly know that you expect nothing more, but it is my inner obligation, simply a must to tell you the never-ending gratefulness I feel for you.

I began a new life and I am reborn! Thank you all and GOD bless you for everything you are doing!!!You will always be on my mind!!!!

Thank you for everything – giving me a chance at a successful and complete life again.

ANR was the best thing that could have happened to me. If you have the will and the motivation, you can successfully get out of the drug world with ANR. My motivation was my son, my mother and the desire to have another child. My problem was the fear of withdrawal, because I always had to vomit massively during previous withdrawals. After the ANR treatment I wasn’t doing very well, but I didn’t have “withdrawal” and above all no vomiting, which was already half the battle for me. On the other hand, I could hardly sleep and had hot and cold feelings. But both disappeared with time and without new medication. Except, of course, Naltrexone, which I had to take for a few more months. I thank Dr. Waismann very sincerely for his procedure, which made a new life possible for me and wish him all the best.

Now I have a wonderful life. Thank God because from your hand, I’ve recovered. Thanks a lot for helping me.

Thanks again for your great therapy! I am now more than 1 year clean and happy, and I can travel anywhere.

I just wanted to give my most grateful thanks for giving me a fresh start at life. From here forward, I’ll spread the knowledge about ANR and how you have given me reason to live happy again. Thank you for everything!

He saved my child’s life. Very kind and empathic doctor. ANR CURES opioid Dependency. Hopefully there will be more ANR centers in Europe! Greetings from Berlin. Thank you, Dr Waismann and everyone who works with you!