Suboxone Addiction Symptoms, Risks, and Treatment

suboxone addiction

Suboxone is a prescription drug commonly used to treat opioid addiction in medication-assisted treatment (MAT). While it may help people manage withdrawal symptoms, ironically, it can also be addictive. As devastating as it is, some patients looking to free themselves from opioid dependence end up swapping it for Suboxone addiction. Whether you’re considering taking Suboxone […]

Kratom Overdose: Signs, Risks, and Prevention

kratom overdose

Kratom is a drug that has both stimulant-like and opioid-like effects. While some believe it to be fairly safe because it’s a natural substance, it is rather controversial. And not without good reason—as innocent as this drug may seem, it’s not unheard of for people to suffer from a kratom overdose and even death.  If […]

Rapid Detox Opioid Treatment: Health Risks and Dangers

rapid detox risks and dangers

If you’re thinking of starting your opioid dependence recovery journey by undergoing the rapid detox opioid treatment, the first thing you want to do is learn about the risks and dangers of rapid detox. Contrary to popular belief, this treatment isn’t a “silver bullet” that can help people easily overcome opioid dependence in a day […]

Treating Withdrawal Symptoms From Opioid Addiction

treating withdrawal symptoms

If withdrawal is your greatest fear related to quitting opioids, you certainly aren’t alone. Although opioid withdrawal symptoms can be hard to bear, this shouldn’t stop you from getting sober. Learning more about opioid withdrawal and treating withdrawal symptoms can help you prepare for your recovery and ease your fears. Keep reading to learn about […]

Precipitated Withdrawal Treatment and Associated Dangers

precipitated withdrawal treatment

The saying “Prevention is better than cure” certainly holds true for precipitated withdrawal treatment. While it’s a treatable condition, it can be so distressing that the fear of it may hold people back from seeking opioid dependence treatment.  Nonetheless, precipitated withdrawal can be avoided, and it shouldn’t keep you away from returning to a sober, […]

Opioid Addiction Signs, Symptoms & Prevention

opioid addiction

It’s no news that opioid addiction and abuse are so widespread that the United States is experiencing an opioid crisis.  Even though every year millions of people lose their loved ones to opioid addiction, unfortunately, sometimes, you have no other option but to take opioids to alleviate pain. The good news is that you can […]

Suboxone Overdose: Signs, Symptoms & More

suboxone overdose

Suboxone is one of the most commonly used medications in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction. Whether you’ve just been prescribed it or have been taking it for quite a while, you’re probably wondering if a Suboxone overdose is something you should be worried about. If so, you’ve come to the right place. This article […]

Common Prescription Opioids for Pain Relief Explained

prescription opioids

If you’re suffering from acute or chronic pain, your doctor might suggest you take prescription opioids to manage it. However, there’s a reason why these drugs are strictly controlled and can’t be obtained over the counter. Not only are they potent, but they can also be highly addictive. This comprehensive guide to prescription opioids will […]

How Long Does Norco Stay in Your System?

how long does norco stay in your system

“How long does Norco stay in your system?” has probably crossed your mind at least once if you’re taking this medicine, and it’s not without good reason. Whether you’ve just been prescribed Norco or have taken it for some time, you should be aware of how this drug affects your body and how long it […]

What is Rapid Opiate Detox & What Are Treatment Alternatives

rapid opiate detox

Maybe you’re completely new to the idea of the rapid opiate detox treatment method, or maybe you’ve heard a lot about it. If the latter is the case, you’ve probably heard some pretty mixed opinions about this specific detox process. So, what’s the truth?  After reading the article below, any confusion about rapid opioid detox […]