Mixing Fentanyl and Alcohol: The Lethal Combination Explained

fentanyl and alcohol

Fentanyl and alcohol are psychoactive drugs that should never be taken together, as they can slow down the central nervous system (CNS) to a dangerous level. Even when combined at minimal doses, they can cause organ damage, increase the risk of accidents and injuries, lead to a potentially fatal opioid overdose, and more. Read along […]

How Long Does Subutex Stay in Your System?


Subutex stays in the system for an average of 190 hours—or eight days. However, in reality, this may range from 125 to 350 hours. Given that certain health, lifestyle, and other factors may alter the half-life of buprenorphine and affect its metabolism and elimination, it’s safe to say that there’s no universal answer to “How […]

PTSD and Opioid Addiction: Risks, Prevention & Treatment

If you’re considering opioid therapy, the best thing you can do for yourself is to explore non-opioid treatment alternatives and learn more about the risks and dangers associated with opioids. This is especially true for people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as PTSD and opioid addiction often accompany each other. Keep reading to gain more […]

How Long Does Dilaudid Stay in Your System?

how long does dilaudid stay in your system

If you’re like most people, you might assume that the question “How long does Dilaudid stay in your system?” is only relevant to those anticipating a drug test. Make no mistake—anyone taking this powerful drug should know the answer to it. Even though Dilaudid may seem like a godsend for those suffering from pain, it […]

How Long Does Buprenorphine Stay in Your System?

how long does buprenorphine stay in your system

Whether you are taking buprenorphine to treat pain or opioid addiction, you may be wondering, “How long does buprenorphine stay in your system?” If this question popped into your head in anticipation of an upcoming drug test, worry not—unless it tests for buprenorphine specifically, it isn’t likely to show up on it. Nonetheless, learning how […]

Opioids and Veterans: The Effects of Opioid Use on Veterans

opioids and veterans

Opioid dependence doesn’t discriminate. Even though anyone can fall victim to it, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that military veterans are among the most vulnerable demographics when it comes to it. Due to the strong link between the use of opioids and veterans, former service members and their families are disproportionately affected by the […]

Opioid Toxicity: Definition, Causes, Prevention & Treatment

opioid toxicity

When it comes to pain relief, opioids are among the most effective drugs. However, while their pain-relieving effects are undeniable, it’s no secret that opioids expose users to numerous dangers. One of these is opioid toxicity, a dangerous condition that can affect even those who take their medication precisely as prescribed. If you aren’t sure […]

Tramadol Overdose: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

tramadol overdose

Tramadol, a Schedule IV controlled substance, is less potent than most other opioids and is thus often thought to be safe. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth, and it’s not uncommon for people to underestimate the dangers of this drug. In reality, it carries the same risks as other opioids, including those of […]

How Long Does Tapentadol Stay in Your System?

how long does tapentadol stay in your system

Whether you need to take a drug test or want to learn more about tapentadol, you’re likely wondering how long it takes for your body to clear it out. The truth is, you may not find one clear-cut answer to the question “How long does tapentadol stay in your system?” since several factors may affect […]