Miracle Cure for Heroin Baby

Woman’s Day Magazine WRITTEN ON: SEP 25 2019 A heartbreaking plea on the internet led an international team of doctors, including one from Australia, to rescue a child from hell. When Israeli doctor Andre Waismann turned on his computer and saw a desperate plea for help from a Costa Rican doctor, little did he know […]

Opioid Addiction Treatment Discussed on America’s Work Force

America’s Work Force WRITTEN ON: SEP 18 2019 Dr. Andrew Waismann, accelerated neuroregulation (ANR) developer at Landmark Hospital in Naples, Florida spoke with America’s Work Force on Sept. 18 about new methods to help individuals recover from their opioid addiction. Waismann discussed why rapid detox and other forms of rehabilitation are quick fixes for opioid […]

Mission Impossible; Heroin Hope at Last

Australia Women’s Weekly WRITTEN ON: SEP 26 2019 It began as a seemingly long-shot chance for one girl to save herself. But it turned into something far greater than anyone ever imagined possible. In May this year, The Australian Women Weekly flew 25-year-old heroin addict Joanne Frare and her brother, Peter, halfway around the world […]

Alternative approaches to battling opioid dependency

Florida Weekly WRITTEN ON: AUG 15 2019 In popular culture, there is a subconscious image of opioid dependents that suffer from an addictive personality; namely, that they can’t break free from their destiny to meet their demise. Recent statistics from the National Institute of Drug Abuse do not help matters, as the age-adjusted rate of […]

Doctor Unveils Detox Program to Help Opioid Addicts

BayNews9 WRITTEN ON: SEP 01 2019 TAMPA, FLORIDA. —  An Israeli doctor  who claims  to have successfully treated thousands of opioids addicts abroad now plans to bring his treatment methods  to the U.S. Dr. Andre Waismann looking to train U.S. doctors in program Program involves “Accelerated Neuro Regulation,” or ANR ANR restores relationship between endorphins and […]

If I Was There Now, Those Kids Would Be Saved

The Scotsman WRITTEN ON: SEP 25 2019 AURA ROBERS speaks to an Israeli specialist in treating heroin addiction who wants to tackle youth drug problems is Scotland. An ISRAELI expert in treating heroin addiction claims his radical methods could help Scotland tackle its growing problem of child drug dependency, by “fighting the illness and not […]

Dr Andre Waismann is rewriting the rulebook for rehab, with incredible success

The Independent Published: October 2, 2008 Miracle man? Dr Andre Waismann argues that opiate addiction is a medical problem and that his fast-track neural treatment works far better than counseling and methadone. Drug agencies disagree. Dr. Waismann explains his vision. “My goal,” he says, “is that any drug addict in the world will one day […]

New drug withdrawal in the Bernese Oberland The Israeli doctor Andre Waismann wants to help the regional hospital Interlaken, with heroin addiction

Basler Zeitung WRITTEN ON: JAN 01 2013 Der israelische Arzt André Waismann hilft im Spital Interlaken Heroinsüchtigen. Ein Pilotprojekt verlief trotz anfänglicher Skepsis überzeugend. Dennoch wird Widerstand von Suchtexperten erwartet. (Suchtdoktor: André Waismann war im November Hauptakteur eines Pilotprojekts im Berner Oberland.) Heroin- und Schmerzmittelabhängigkeit ist für ihn weniger ein psychoso­ziales Problem, sondern in erster […]

Medic Whose Technique Puts Him on Top of the World

Jewish Telegraph WRITTEN ON: MAR 11 2011 Dr. Andre Waismann is a world leader in reversing opiate dependency since establishing the world’s first treatment center at the Barzilay hospital, in Ashkelon in the mid-90s; his modern techniques have benefited thousands of patients. Dr. Waismann is head of the hospital’s Accelerated Neuroregulaiton Unit. ANR reverses withdrawal […]