ANR Treatment Savings Projection

Your Cost Breakdown

Monthly Opioid Cost

Additional Monthly Costs

Total Monthly Cost

Yearly Expense

The “Additional Monthly Costs” represent average healthcare and criminal justice expenses associated with opioid dependency, based on a comprehensive study.

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These costs are derived from the study: “The Economic Burden of Prescription Opioid Overdose, Abuse, and Dependence in the United States, 2013” by Florence et al., published in Medical Care. The figures have been adjusted for inflation to 2023 dollars.

The additional costs include:

  • Healthcare costs: Emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and other medical treatments related to opioid use.
  • Criminal justice costs: Legal proceedings, incarceration, and law enforcement expenses associated with opioid-related crimes.

ANR treatment cost: $20,500. Average total expense including accommodation for out-of-state patients: $22,000.

Disclaimer: These are estimates. Individual experiences may vary. This calculator is for informational purposes only.